// ' . sprintf('', $checked, $subs_enc) . ' //
// ' . mgm_stripslashes_deep($packs_obj->get_pack_desc($pack)) . ' //
// ' . mgm_stripslashes_deep($pack['description']) . ' //
'; // include_once('/Users/eugeneglova/work/tools/dBug.php'); // new dBug($packs_obj->get_pack_duration($pack)); // new dBug($pack); if (!isset($pack_index)) { $pack_index = 0; } $pack_bottom_classes = array( '', 'two', 'three', ); $arr = explode("\n", $pack['description']); $title = array_shift($arr); $sub_title = array_shift($arr); $description = implode("\n", $arr); $html.= '

' . $title . '' . $sub_title . '

$' . $pack['cost'] . ' ' . ( !$pack['num_cycles'] ? 'per ' . ( $pack['duration'] != 1 ? $pack['duration'] . ' ' : '' ) . $packs_obj->get_pack_duration($pack) : '(one time)' ) . '

' . mgm_stripslashes_deep($description) . '

Choose Plan' . sprintf('', $checked, $subs_enc) . '

'; $pack_index++; //
// ' . sprintf('', $checked, $subs_enc) . ' //
// ' . mgm_stripslashes_deep($packs_obj->get_pack_desc($pack)) . ' //
// ' . mgm_stripslashes_deep($pack['description']) . ' //
// '; // include_once('/Users/eugeneglova/work/tools/dBug.php'); // new dBug($packs_obj->get_pack_duration($pack)); // new dBug($pack); if (!isset($pack_index)) { $pack_index = 0; } $pack_bottom_classes = array( '', 'two', 'three', ); $arr = explode("\n", $pack['description']); $title = array_shift($arr); $sub_title = array_shift($arr); $description = implode("\n", $arr); $html.= '

' . $title . '' . $sub_title . '

$' . $pack['cost'] . ' ' . ( !$pack['num_cycles'] ? 'per ' . ( $pack['duration'] != 1 ? $pack['duration'] . ' ' : '' ) . $packs_obj->get_pack_duration($pack) : '(one time)' ) . '

' . mgm_stripslashes_deep($description) . '

Choose Plan' . sprintf('', $checked, $subs_enc) . '

'; $pack_index++; //
// ' . sprintf('', $checked, $subs_enc) . ' //
// ' . mgm_stripslashes_deep($packs_obj->get_pack_desc($pack)) . ' //
// ' . mgm_stripslashes_deep($pack['description']) . ' //
// '; // include_once('/Users/eugeneglova/work/tools/dBug.php'); // new dBug($packs_obj->get_pack_duration($pack)); // new dBug($pack); if (!isset($pack_index)) { $pack_index = 0; } $pack_bottom_classes = array( '', 'two', 'three', ); $arr = explode("\n", $pack['description']); $title = array_shift($arr); $sub_title = array_shift($arr); $description = implode("\n", $arr); $html.= '

' . $title . '' . $sub_title . '

$' . $pack['cost'] . ' ' . ( !$pack['num_cycles'] ? 'per ' . ( $pack['duration'] != 1 ? $pack['duration'] . ' ' : '' ) . $packs_obj->get_pack_duration($pack) : '(one time)' ) . '

' . mgm_stripslashes_deep($description) . '

Choose Plan' . sprintf('', $checked, $subs_enc) . '

'; $pack_index++;

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MusicProfs connects music lovers of all ages who want to learn to play an instrument, with Canada’s best private instructors who love to teach -- all in one, easy-to-use website.

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  • Additional communication and scheduling tools to help you get the most out of your MusicProfs membership

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In fact, teachers on MusicProfs can offer our students the lowest music lesson rates possible because we don’t charge teachers a fee or take a percentage of their profits!

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